Exploring the limitless convergence of visual art, the creative process, and digital technology.


    The Museum of Art + Light


    The Museum of Art + Light


    The Museum of Art + Light


    The Museum of Art + Light


    The Museum of Art + Light

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Dedicated to Contemporary
+ Digital Art

Conceived as the first contemporary art museum in the world to showcase immersive, digital, and permanent collections from inception—The Museum of Art + Light will bridge 21st century technology with the visual and performing arts to: incite positive emotion; cultivate meaningful connections; encourage artistic exploration; and spark innovation.

Opening November of 2024


Inaugural Exhibition

Iconic, partnered with the Museum of Art + Light, brings five of the world’s leading digital artists to a groundbreaking exhibition for the grand opening of the MoA+L in November of 2024.

  • Grant Yun

  • Emily Xie

  • Erick Calderon

  • Tyler Hobbs

  • Sasha Stiles


In the months preceding the museum’s grand opening, Iconic, in collaboration with the MoA+L, will unveil a series of releases in partnership with each of the five artists showcased in the inaugural exhibition.

These curated collections and auctions will be accessible to holders of Iconic’s Art Pass and art collectors globally.

De Coded Gallery

Credit: Sydney Bouhaniche, Creative Director of Immersive, MoA+L

MoA+L’s digital gallery, De Coded, highlights the intersection between art, digital technology, and the artistic process.

New works by emerging digital media artists, temporary exhibitions, and extensions of their future permanent collection will be on display to provide for an experimental and engaging “laboratory” that explores concepts surrounding digital technology, society, and its relationship to the arts.

The Museum of Art + Light is partnering with Iconic to bring five of the world’s leading artists of the digital age to the MoA+L’s De Coded Digital Gallery in an exhibition titled “Code & Canvas: Defining Digital Art in the Age of Blockchain” beginning November 8th and running for five months.

This groundbreaking exhibition, featuring both new and renowned pieces by Erick “Snowfro” Calderon, Tyler Hobbs, Sasha Stiles, Grant Yun, and Emily Xie marks the first time a museum has dedicated an entire gallery to collect and display digital art permanently.

Explore MoA+L

Credit: Sydney Bouhaniche, Creative Director of Immersive, MoA+L

Iconic Expands Access To Culture Globally Through Digital Innovation

At the core of Iconic’s mission is the integration of traditional art institutions and emerging digital networks.

Founded in 2015, Iconic is a global pioneer in expanding the reach of cultural institutions and the arts. Iconic partners with museums, digital artists, and brands to produce incredible digital and physical art for cultural collectors around the world.

United Nations World Summit Award Winner Culture & Tourism

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